I was going through old pics and came across this one. Middle school dance ( 7th grade)
OMG!!! What was I thinking? I don't know which is worse, my hair or my outfit? I thought I looked so hot that night! Ha! I was the biggest nerd.... well, I still am....but at least I have better hair!
and of course no middle school dance would be complete without a little Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock!
Today is the day!! My daughter is officially sixteen!! Time must have wings because it sure has flown by way too fast!!
I am so proud of my daughter and the young woman she is becoming! I pray that she continues to follow God's plan for her life! Today her youth is behind her... and her whole life is in front of her!!
Thinking about what she wants so wish for.. hope it isn't a car!! lol
Thank God this pic was so dark you couldn't see the ulgy "Mario Bros. toadstool cake I made her!! I could have photoshopped her a kick butt cake though!! lol